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Welcome to the Whitewater Benefice
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On Sunday 23rd March, in our churches we have an 8:30 am Holy Communion at Heckfield, at 10am Holy Communion with Junior Church at St John's, Hook, at 11 am Morning Worship in Heckfield, and 6pm Holy Communion at St John's, Hook.
Dates for your diary: Coming up - Souper Organ lunchtime recital on 28th March & Mothering Sunday with services in Hook and Rotherwick on 30th March.
Thank you to the team who organised the World Day of Prayer Service - it was a great afternoon - you can view pictures here.
The Garden Team have been busy caring for the garden at St John's, the church grounds are looking especially good at the moment, with lots of spring flowers. Have you seen the very smart new pots with Lavender and Thyme outside St John's? If you would like to join our team, please drop by one Wednesday morning from 10am and chat with the team.
Each year, before our Annual Meeting, we revisit our church membership, which is called the Electoral Roll, and once every 6 years (which is this year) we begin a new list or Electoral Roll. People who are signed up on our church Electoral roll are able to vote in our Annual Meeting, and are committed to our church life. We are currently reviewing the Electoral Roll in both the Parish of Hook and in the Parish of HMR. You may have been sent an email with a copy of the form to complete, or there are copies in the churches or you can see the Electoral Roll section on this website for copies of the form, the Electoral Roll Privacy Note and any FAQs.
Please do check our weekly notices - see the link below - and have them delivered to you. Then it is easy to follow where we are each Sunday! In Hook, every week we have two services, at 10am and 6pm. In the Benefice, a weekly service at 8.30am, which moves around the 4 churches. In HMR, a main 11am service which moves around between churches, and 6.30pm Rotherwick Evensong once each month on the second Sunday.
If you would like to get our weekly notices straight to your inbox, you can sign up for weekly notices. Do give me a call if you would like to find out more on 01256 763211.
With every blessing, Canon Marion de Quidt
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Our Church Locations
We are two Parishes in NE Hampshire, with four churches: one in the centre of Hook, and the others in the surrounding villages. Click on the images below to find our more about the location of each church.
To find out about the locations & accessibility of our churches, please see our Church Locations page
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