Share memories of grandparents or aunties and uncles from childhood
“Lord for the years your love has kept and guided”
Ancient and Modern Hymn Book 715 or Common Praise 81
– sing together, or listen to You Tube
Word for all
- Paul’s situation in his last letter
Work together to understand where Paul is writing from, and the circumstances of this letter. Read the last part of the letter, 2 Timothy 4.13. In contrast to Paul’s imprisonment in Rome (Acts 28.30), Paul is no longer under house arrest but in the infamous Mamertine prison (possible to visit today in Rome). He was chained (2 Tim 1.16; 2.9) hard to find (1.17). His life was near the end 4.6-8.
What would you write to a colleague if you were handing on the baton of the responsibility you now hold? Discuss in pairs, and share with the group.
- Competence, Calling, Character
The qualities for Christian ministry are sometimes listed as ‘Competence, Calling, Character’… what do you think about that?
Read 2 Timothy 1, thinking about the descriptions of both Paul and Timothy. What can you glean about each of them which fits into these categories? eg. 2 Timothy 1.5 – Timothy’s faith, is character; 2 Timothy 1.9 – Paul and Timothy’s calling.
Do you think one or other of these is most important?
Share how these ideas impact on your own life and sense of God’s call.
- The gift of the Holy Spirit
Pick out from this chapter the descriptions of the work of God’s Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Jesus) in the life of Paul and Timothy.
What is your experience of God’s working in your lives?
- Guarding
How can we ‘guard the good deposit/ what has been entrusted to us’ as disciples of Jesus? 2 Tim 1.12; 1.14.
Pray for each other in your own calling as Jesus’ disciple in different settings
Rev’d Dr Marion de Quidt. Sept 2016