container for CSS updated feb 2024 - rationalising & tidying CSS after calendar changes

Coffee Shop & Lunch Club

The Coffee Shop is open for groups meeting there such as the Lunch Club on the second Tuesday of each month, the Friendship cafe every Thursday at 10:00, and our monthly Coffee & Cakes on the first Saturday each month from 10:00am.

Lunch Club

St John’s Lunch Club meets for Lunch at 12:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month to enjoy good company and a two-course, a la carte menu, all of which is home-cooked.  The cost is £6 per person, which includes a soft drink and tea or coffee. There is a raffle held at the end of the meal.

The photos show our Christmas Lunch Club, those in the blue aprons are our team of volunteers, and we are grateful for all they do to make this such a fun activity.


Sample menu:

  • Glass of fruit juice
  • Main course - pork & apricot casserole, beef casserole, fish pie & a vegetarian option, served with potatoes & vegetables
  • Dessert - fruit crumble, strawberry pavlova or bread & butter pudding served with cream, ice cream or custard
  • Tea or Coffee

To book a place:

Friendship Cafe

The Friendship cafe is a welcoming place to come on a Thursday morning.  Its a space where you can just drop in and share a chat over coffee.  All welcome.

Friendship Cafe

Cake and Coffee

Join us on the first Saturday in the month from 10am, come and by cakes and crafts, and stop for a coffee/cake and chat!

cake & Crafts

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