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Electoral Roll FAQ

This section gives answers to frequently asked questions about joining the Electoral Roll.

Why should I apply to have my name added to the Electoral Roll?

Electoral RollBeing on the Electoral Roll of a parish is a way of showing your willingness to help shape the future of the Church of England, both locally and nationally.

It enables you to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and so share in the government of the Church of England (for both the Parish of Hook & the Parish of HMR this is on the 27th April 2025).

Being on the Electoral Roll does not make you a member of the Church; simply thinking of our churches as your spiritual home does that. Indeed, before joining the Electoral Roll, you should already consider  our churches as your spiritual home.

What does being on the Electoral Roll enable me to do?

If you are on the Electoral Roll, you can:

  • Come to the APCM and take part in the meeting. You can ask any question of parish church or general church interest.
  • Stand for election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and/or deanery synod.
  • Propose candidates for election to the PCC and/or deanery synod.
  • Vote for those standing for election to the PCC and/or deanery synod.

You are also entitled to have access to the approved minutes of the PCC meetings (except any minutes deemed to be confidential).

Who can be on the Electoral Roll?

To be on the Electoral Roll, you must have:

  1. been baptised, and
  2. reached your sixteenth birthday on or before the date of the APCM, and
  3. submitted a signed application form for enrolment to the Electoral Roll Officer, and must be one of the following:
    1. a member of the Church of England, or of a Church in communion with the Church of England, and resident in the parish; or
    2. a member of the Church of England and, not being resident in the parish, to have habitually attended public worship in the parish during a period of six months prior to enrolment; or
    3. a member in good standing of a Church which is not in communion with the Church of England but subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also a member of the Church of England having habitually attended public worship in the parish during a period of six months prior to enrolment.

Can I be on more than one Electoral Roll?

You can be on the Electoral Roll of several parishes if you meet the conditions listed above. You can only vote at the APCM, stand for election to the PCC etc at one parish.

If I live in the parish won't my name be added automatically to the Electoral Roll?

Living in the parish does not mean that your name is added automatically to the Electoral Roll.

If I already attend Church regularly won't my name be added automatically to the Electoral Roll?

Coming to church regularly, or giving regularly, does not mean that your name is added automatically to the Electoral Roll.

So how do I get my name added to the Electoral Roll?

Your name can only be added to the Electoral Roll if you complete and sign an Electoral Roll Application Form and return it to the Electoral Roll Officer.

If you would like your name added or removed from the Electoral Roll (ER), or if your address or contact details have changed in the past year, or if you have any questions, please email for HOOK and for HMR please email

If you download the electoral roll application form, you can:

  • complete the form, including sign electronically, and email to the Electoral Roll Officer
  • print it, and return the paper copy to the office,
  • print it, complete the form and scan it, and email to the Electoral Roll Officer.

See below for details of the Electoral Roll Officers in each parish.

How do I complete the form electronically

The form should be edittable.  We would recommend downloading a copy of the form or if it has been emailed to you, saving a copy.   Depending what is configured to open PDF files, you may be able to edit the form.  If you can't edit the form, either try another browser or open the form with Acrobat reader.  If you do not have Acrobat Reader you can download a free version from

The picture below is from Acrobat reader.  If you click in any of the blue fields, you can enter your details,  additionally if you click on the pen, you can add a signature.  When you are done, you can either save your form, print it or email it.

acrobat reader

When you have finished, and added a signature, you can save or print your form.  Remember you will need to add the name of the Parish - this is either Parish of Hook or Parish of Heckfield with Mattingley and Rotherwick.

What happens to the personal details I provide on the Electoral Roll Application Form?

This is described in a separate GDPR Electoral Roll Privacy Notice

You can also get a copy by emailing the Electoral Roll Officer

Once my name is on the Electoral Roll, how long will it stay there?

Each year, the Electoral Roll Officer, with the Clergy and Churchwarden(s), revises the Electoral Roll to take account of things such as change of address. So that the roll is current and accurate, every sixth year a new one is made. Everyone who wants to be on the Electoral Roll then needs to re-apply to have their name added to the new roll. This is happening in 2025.

How do I get my name removed from the Electoral Roll?

If as in 2025, you do not apply to be on the electoral roll, this will happen automatically.  At any point, other when a new Electoral Roll is being created, you can get your name removed from the Electoral Roll by emailing the Electoral Roll Officer

Do I need to also complete a Keeping in Touch Form?

As we can only use your details supplied on the Electoral Roll form to use in conjunction with the electoral roll, and we can not use those details to contact you about anything else eg for social matters, if you attend our churches regularly we would love to keep in touch with you, please consider completing and returning a Keeping in Touch form or completing an electronic version of the Keeping in Touch Form, this will enable us for example to send you emails.

Most of the people on the Electoral Roll will also be signed up to various forms of contact from us, eg weekly email notices etc.  However, if you are updating your data on the Electoral Roll OR being added to the Electoral Roll, you may wish for us to have those contact details so we can keep in touch. 

If you already get emails from us, and wish to unsubscribe.  You can do so, at any time. There will be an unsubscribe link as part of the email or you can contact the Benefice Office and you can be removed from our contacts.

How to contact the Electoral Roll officer?

Hook Electoral Roll Officer

Hook Electoral Roll Officer c/o Whitewater Benefice Office,
St John the Evangelist church,
London Road,
Hook RG27 9EG

HMR Electoral Roll Officer

HMR Electoral Roll Officer c/o Whitewater Benefice Office,
St John the Evangelist church,
London Road,
Hook RG27 9EG

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