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Holy Week and Easter 2025

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Join with us, as we follow the journey from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection.  Holy Week is the most important week of the year, in which we go with Jesus on the road to the Cross and Resurrection. The emphasis is on participation and doing - being part of the drama as it is told and enacted through the week. Doing helps deepen our understanding of what Jesus did for us. 

Palm Sunday 13th April

8:30 Holy Communion at Rotherwick

10:00 Sung Eucharist (Holy Communion) and Junior Church at St John's, Hook (also via Zoom)

11:00 Morning Worship at Rotherwick

18:00 Holy Communion at St John's, Hook

18:30 Evensong at Rotherwick

Monday 14th April - start of Holy Week

19:30 Stations of the Cross at St John's, Hook

Tuesday 15th April

19:30 Holy Week reflection & Study, in the Solar Room at St John's, Hook

Maundy Thursday 17th April

11:00 Chrism Eucharist in Winchester Cathedral with renewal of the Ministers vows

16:00 Maundy Thursday Holy Communion at Mattingley

20:00 Holy Communion at St John's, Hook

Good Friday 18th April

8:30 Stations of the Cross at St John's, Hook

9:30 - 12:00 Wonder of Easter, our Easter Holiday Club at St John's, Hook

10:00 Good Friday Service at St John's, Hook

12:00 Hook Churches Together Walk of Witness leaving from St John's

14:00 A Reflection for Good Friday at Mattingley

There is also an online Meditation - spoken word & music which you can listen to from your home

Easter Sunday 20th April

6:30 Sunrise Outdoor Holy Communion at St John's, Hook, followed by breakfast

8:30  Easter Communion in Mattingley

10.00 Festival Easter Communion & Egg Hunt at St John's, Hook (also via Zoom) with children's activities

11:00 Festival Easter Communion & Egg Hunt at Rotherwick

18:00 Holy Communion at St John's, Hook

Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday at our morning service we begin the journey, as Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Stations of the Cross

From early times Christians have followed the Via Dolorosa – the walk from Pilate’s house to Calvary, in the Old City of Jerusalem.  If anyone has been to Jerusalem, you may have walked these street and visited these places.  Pilgrims visiting Jerusalem bought to their home countries images of the walk.  Over time these became images like those in St John’s which mark the Stations of the Cross.

During the Stations of the Cross, we walk with Jesus on his last day, we walk round each of the Stations of the Cross. At each station we mediate on each moment, reflecting on the love Jesus shows us on this journey.  We recite specific prayers and then move on to the next station.

Easter Sunday

We do not know when Jesus rose from the dead, all we know is that when the women went to the tomb on Easter morning, that the tomb was empty. If Good Friday is the most serious day, then the Easter Day is certainly the most splendid and joyful moment.

We light the Easter or Paschal Candle as Christ is proclaimed as the light of the world.

We renew our baptismal vows together because baptism of christening is into the death and resurrection of Jesus. We then celebrate the Eucharist and our Risen Lord.



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