There are lots of ways you can help support us
- Join Marion at 8:30 on Monday and Friday mornings in the Lady Chapel in Hook or on Zoom and pray for the work of our churches.
- We are always looking for people to join our team of people who read in church or who make the coffee
- We also have a Gardening Team you could join, who look after the outside grounds
- We also have a team of Flower Arrangers, who make our churches look welcoming
- We have people who clean & tidy the insides of our churches, and the meeting rooms
- We have teams who run activities for all ages, from Bumps and Babes, though to the teams who run the Lunch Club for the older members of our community (anyone working with children or vulnerable adults will do so in accordance with our safeguarding policies)
- Volunteers help with various aspects of our administration and finances
- Perhaps you are IT literate and want to help with publicity, posters or even learn HTML and look after part of this website
- Join us for one of our Maintenance Days, where there are lots of small jobs, tidying the churches and grounds (or even just making tea & coffee for those attending!)
In the first instance, talk to one of the sides people on a Sunday or to the Church Warden and they can point you in the right direction.