The Winchester Diocese has a mission partnership with the Province of Myanmar in Southeast Asia.
Myanmar, also known as Burma, is in SE Asia between India and China. Myanmar gained independence in 1948, which was followed by a number of years of civil war.
3x size of UK
population 54m (30% urban, 70% rural)
7 main ethnic groups
15 states/regions
137 languages
average age is 26
life expectancy is 65
- 88% Buddhist,
- 6% Christian,
- 4% Islam

Stephen Than Myint Oo is the Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Myanmar and Bishop of Yangon.
Stephen has been in prison, where he suffered torture. He was eventually released without conviction. The shadow of his prison record followed him for years, even while studying theology, but his faith and a slowly emerging commitment to democracy and civil society were ignited by an experience of angels. This reinforced his mission plan for the tiny Anglican minority to take its place in the mainly Buddhist nation.
We were delighted to host Archbishop Stephen in the Odiham Deanery when he visited the UK in 2020.
We continue to support in prayer the ministry of Archbishop Stephen and Holy Cross Theological College, of which Reverend Dr Paul Myint Htet Htin Ya is principal. We welcome financial donations which are given to the ministry through the Diocese of Winchester. Odiham Deanery is partnerned with Myanmar, as is the Deanery of Southampton.
Prayers for Myanmar
During the current crisis in Myanmar, which began in February 2021, the Deanery has been praying for the country and its peoples each month on the 3rd Thursday at 7.30pm. We meet on WhatsApp for about 40 to 45 minutes to share our prayers and to spend time focusing specifically on Myanmar.
If you would like to join the WhatsApp group, please text Kim Foster (mob:07801472634) with your mobile phone number.