We welcome people of all ages for Baptism.
Baptisms take place on Sundays. We usually invite families to a service after the main Sunday service in one of our Benefice churches. We have baptism preparation evenings in St John's Hook on the first Weds of each month, or a priest will visit you in your own home. If you would like to explore Baptism for yourself or your child please contact the Benefice Office.
What is Baptism?
In baptism we thank God for his gift of life, we celebrate the birth of a child, we come to God for a new start, we become a member of the church. Some churches will use the word ‘baptism’ and some the word ‘christening’. The moment when your child has water poured or wiped on their head is the actual baptism and is at the heart of the service.
The water of baptism is an outward sign of the inward coming of God, and the new life that follows.
We are happy to baptise babies, children and adults.

When are Baptism services?
Our Baptism services take place on Sundays.
If you would like to explore a baptism, then first ring the Benefice office (01256 760169), and initial details of your request will be noted.
If you have a child for baptism, you would normally attend one of the preparation evenings, which are usually held every month on the first Wednesday evening, at St John the Evangelist, Hook (RG27 9EG), at 7.30pm for one hour. You will see a video, and learn about the baptism service with other parents, or the priest may visit you at home.
If the child being baptised has siblings, its always nice to involve them in the service (where appropriate).
If you are an adult, then we would invite you to join a small group to ask questions, and discuss with others. Ask Marion or the office for further details.
The timing, date and location of Baptism will be arranged after these initial chats.
Learning more about God
We encourage our Baptism families to learn more about God at one of our family-friendly events:
All-age service is on the 1st Sunday of the month in Hook, on the other Sundays we have Junior Church. In Rotherwick, the Family service is the 2nd Sunday in the Month. Check the Calendar for details.
Bumps & Babes is for pre-school children and infants with their carers on Wednesdays every week in term time, 9-11am at St John's. All welcome, it’s a drop in group, so you can just pop in a say hello! If you would like more information talk to Marion or one of the team.
Messy Church our after-school group for children with their carer, meets once each month on Friday afternoon from 3.15pm-5.00pm, just come along to the next session or for more information contact Jonathan Bushman through the Benefice Office (01256 760169)