Bumps & Babes is our group for little people & their carers - whether you are a mum with a bump, a parent with a preschool child, or just someone caring for a preschool child, you are welcome to join us. We meet during school terms, usually starting a week or two after school terms.
Every Wednesday morning (during school terms) from 9-11am at St John's we have Bumps & Babes with toys, drinks and craft activity for pre-school or younger children and their carers - just drop in anytime for a playtime and chat and stay as short or as long as you like. Coffee and snacks are available. The children love crafts, and you'll see their artwork on the noticeboard on the wall in the parlour and in our photo album here. There's no charge but donations are welcome.
Come along and meet the team, see the building inside… please do just pop in to say hello!