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Open the Book

Open the bookOpen the Book is a project which offers primary school children an opportunity to hear the major stories of the Bible, presented in an interesting way, by a group of volunteers during Collective Worship.

The Whitewater Benefice has two enthusiastic teams which go into Hook Infant School and Whitewater Primary School, Rotherwick.  The team which visit the school in Hook is ecumenical comprising members of the other churches in Hook.  Both schools are very welcoming and the children look forward to our visits.

The stories are narrated and acted out using simple props and costumes. There is a short time for reflection and a prayer at the end. There is often an opportunity for the children to join in and they are always very keen to do so.

Open the Book is an important part of the outreach between Church and schools.

Open the book

The team acting out the story of the Widow's mite, a parable about generosity.

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