container for CSS updated feb 2024 - rationalising & tidying CSS after calendar changes

Young People

We love our Young People!  Whatever age your young person is, we have something for them.  God reaches out in love to every child and desires a relationship with them. Youth Ministry is a critical ministry of the church, and is everyone's responsibility, not just volunteers and parents. All of us can show the children a church full of life and love for God and those around them.

Bumps & Babes
junior church
Junior Choir
The Youth Group
Holiday Club


Bumps & Babes Bumps & Babes is weekly on a Wednesday morning during term times, and is a friendship group for carers of young children and their preschool children.
Messy Church Messy Church is for children with their carers.
Junior Church Our Junior Church leaders will help your children develop their faith whilst you worship at our 10am services.
Junior Choir Any child aged at least 8 who wants to sing is welcome at our RSCM affiliated choir.
The Youth Group The Youth Group and Youth Alpha are on Sunday afternoons, and are for those who are school year 8 or above.
Child friendly services We have a number of services which are child friendly, at St John's these are 1st Sunday each month, and in Rotherick are the 2nd Sunday. There are also services such as Christingle or the Crib Service which are child friendly Christmas services.
Holiday Club & other Childrens activities We sometimes run holiday clubs where you can leave your primary age children with our team for the day. The next Holiday Club is at the end of August.


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